The same is true for creating a cost-effective development environment for performing specialized firmware generation with a very small memory footprint. 同样的要求也适用于创建经济高效的开发环境,以便使用很小的内存“足迹”执行专业的固件生成。
I will ask the administrator to remove my name from their list for future seminars or training programs unless I get a notice that a mobile Web site is being redesigned to accommodate a small screen size, small memory size, and other limitations of a smartphone. 我将要求管理员将我的名字从研讨会和培训计划通知列表中删除,直到移动网站重新进行了设计,以适应小屏幕、小内存以及智能手机的其他限制。
It has a small memory footprint, which helps you save memory for the cluster, yet it's secure, reliable, and fast. 它占用的内存很少,这将帮助您为集群节约内存,而且它安全、可靠且速度很快。
Processes in Erlang are assumed to be small in memory, fast to start, and fast to context-switch. Erlang中的进程内存较小,可快速启动和进行上下文切换。
These utilities are fast, have relatively small memory requirements, and are easy to use. 这些实用程序速度快,内存需求较小,且易于使用。
A large swap space is also advisable for a system with very small memory. 建议为内存极小的系统使用较大的交换空间。
As we noted in our Chrome review, WebKit is an extremely lightweight renderer that is often praised for its tight and clean code base, excellent standards-compliance, and small memory footprint. 我们从Chrome的评测中已经看Webkit是一个非常轻量的渲染引擎,因其紧凑干净的代码基础,出色的标准支持,以及很小的内存占用而备受赞誉。
Fixed: Possible small memory leak ( 100 bytes) on missing file decompression/ conversion errors. 修正:尽可能小的内存泄漏(100字节),对丢失文件解压/转换错误。
Instead, they store images on either a small removable memory card or on the memory chip inside the camera. 而是将图像储存在相机里一个可移动的内存卡上或内存芯片上。
Automatically partitioning the code in compilers and applying the code overlay technique is one of the key techniques for exploiting the performance of processors with small memory capacity. 在编译器中进行自动代码划分然后采用代码重叠技术,是内存容量较小的处理器发挥性能的关键技术之一。
Simple allocator Fast for small memory usage Very fast Poor Easy Very No No 简单分配程序内存使用少时较快很快差容易高否否
A small memory unit used as a go-between for the input and output units and main memory. 一种小存储装置,在输入输出装置和主存储器之间用作媒介。
One popular aid is to place a small memory, called a cache, right on the microprocessor itself. 有一个颇受欢迎的解决办法是在微处理器内部放置一个叫高速缓冲内存储器的小内存。
This feature enables business applications that can reliably and effectively operate on small memory constrained mobile devices. 这一特性使得商务应用程序能够在被局限于小内存的移动设备上面可靠而有效地运行。
A small memory device changes, the program's functions and Jinshan drifter like similar software. 一个小型的内存修改器,这个程序实现的功能和金山游侠之类的软件类似。
This article also explained the thought that in a small memory how to select the most effective language structure for CPL. 文章还介绍了CPL如何就在小内存上选择最有效的语言结构方面的一些考虑。
The allocation system of small object memory based on STL code consists of 4 layer structures. 基于STL代码可重用的小对象内存分配体系由4层结构组成。
Each processor access a small local memory. 在计算中,每个处理器只需访问很少的内存。
It has many advantages, such as adaptability to boundary, scantling of input data and small memory capacity required. 该方法边界适应性好,输入数据信息少,内存要求也小。
Compared with the whole attitude angle matching recognition methods, the proposed method need small memory space and small calculation time. 与一维距离像全姿态角匹配识别方法比较,具有计算量、存贮量较小的特点。
New Methods Test Small Memory Arrays 测试小型存储器阵列的新方法
For the small memory consumption and fast searching method, the algorithm can be used in wireless communications to resolve the limit of memory and meet the requirement of real-time processing. 算法无需保存搜索记录,存储开销小,同时搜索策略快速有效,适用于移动视频通信终端设备存储能力有限且实时要求较高的场合。
The example of music visualization by bloom, stalk, dimple and goldfish shows that this method can get good effect with low CPU occupancy and small memory request. 结果显示,该方法可以在较低的CPU占用率和较小内存请求下达到良好效果。
The input and output values are all integers; and only a small memory is required. 整数小波变换的优点是:只需进行位内运算,输入和输出都是整数,存储量小,适合图象处理;
Based on the investigation and analysis of plant space comparison: large scale memory space in general has a number of plants in space, and the scale is relatively small memory space, such as: home, are mostly independent of plant space. 尺度大的纪念空间一般拥有多个植物空间,而尺度相对较小的纪念空间,如:故居,大多是独立的植物空间。
Particularly in the development of mobile hardware platforms and 3G networks operating, making previously vision restricted to the slow mobile devices, small memory, battery problems now become possible. 特别是手机硬件平台的发展和3G网络的运营,使得以前局限于移动设备运行速度慢、内存小、电池有限的问题而无法实现的设想,现在已经变成了可能。
With the development and application of the electronic computer, significant attention has been paid to the Kalman filtering in the engineering practice and it has become the subject of extensive research and application due to its simple design, small memory space and dynamic real-time processing. 随着电子计算机的迅速发展和广泛应用,卡尔曼滤波以其设计简单易行、存储空间小、动态实时处理等优点在工程实践中受到了高度重视,成为推广研究和应用的主题。
The class incremental learning is realized in a small training set and a small memory space, the history results are saved at the same time. 在很小的样本集,很小的空间代价下实现类增量学习,同时保留了历史训练结果。
The dynamic storage allocation algorithm of the ARTs-OS include slab algorithm which is used to allocate and release of small memory blocks, and buddy system which is used of big memory blocks. ARTs-OS系统中使用的动态内存分配算法有Slab算法,适合对内核堆小块内存的分配和释放;还有伙伴算法,用于对页面的管理,大块内存的分配和释放。
Before 3D models transmission, a model simplification algorithm based on curvature changes is introduced to reduce the data during transmission, due to the features of low resolution, weak computation ability and small memory. 在传输模型之前,针对移动终端屏幕分辨率低、计算能力弱、内存存储量小的特点,本文提出一种基于曲率变化的模型简化算法以减少传输的模型数据量。